Recently Published
From Arien Crossby
8 plays 0Learn how to submit Kaltura video or audio in Brightspace Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes. -
From Julian Prior
17 plays 0In this first session of the Digital Media Creator (DMC) series we talk about why creativity is an important part of digital literacy more generally, and why digital… -
From Craig Madokoro
60 plays 0 -
From Luke McKnight
27 plays 0Learn more about digital accessibility in the Accessibility Handbook for Teaching and Learning. Contact for more information. -
From Julian Prior
153 plays 0The green screen in EdTech's studio is a good way to help you add digital effects to your videos in post-production. Come and see it in action by emailing… -
From Arien Crossby
512 plays 0See how to update Kaltura Capture so that it will work with the new Kaltura Cloud. -
From Arien Crossby
267 plays 0How to download media from your Kaltura MediaSpace My Media library to your own computer. It's recommended you keep your own copies of anything you upload to… -
From Brett Foster
11 plays 0Universal Design for Learning Secrets for Creating Expert Learners. Thomas J. Tobin, PhD, MSLS, PMP, MOT, CPACC. Founding member of the Center for Teaching, Learning,… -
From Arien Crossby
42 plays 0How to delete items from your My Media library. Click here for written instructions. -
From Arien Crossby
37 plays 0This video demonstrates how to record quick video feedback to Brightspace Assignments using Kaltura. -
From Natalia Azize
29 plays 0This is the 2nd video in the TCDC series on curriculum mapping. In this video, we walk through step-by-step instructions for creating a program-level curriculum map… -
From Natalia Azize
44 plays 0This is the first video in the TCDC series on curriculum mapping. In this short video, we introduce what curriculum maps are, the benefits of mapping your… -
From Arien Crossby
19 plays 0This video is a demo of the process for recording, editing and exporting an audio file using Audacity. Click here for written instructions in PDF format. -
From Arien Crossby
4 plays 0This video demonstrates how to setup and use moderation in galleries and in channels. Moderation will add an approval workflow before displaying videos in gallery or… -
From Arien Crossby
1,630 plays 0This video demonstrates how to share (embed) media already uploaded or recorded to your My Media library to various tools in Brightspace, and how to upload or record…